Cookie Policy

Navigating Cookie Usage at Hire Currently

Safeguarding the trust and confidence of our visitors and users is our priority at Hire Currently. This guide to our cookie practices elucidates the different types of cookies we employ, their purposes, and offers guidance on managing their usage.

Exploring Cookies

Cookies, these seemingly insignificant pieces of text, make their way onto your device through the websites you frequent. They perform various functions, from optimizing website performance to providing website owners with relevant information. These digital markers retain details of your visit, such as language preferences and customized settings, to enrich your browsing experience. Furthermore, in addition to cookies, there are other similar technologies like web beacons, flash cookies, and pixels, which help us understand your usage patterns of our Services.

Exploring Tracking Tools

  • Session Cookies: These cookies endure until you close your browser, serving to monitor your page views and facilitate personalized content during your current browsing session.
  • Persistent Cookies: Unlike session cookies, persistent ones remain on your device until manually removed or until they expire. They're frequently used to retain preferences for subsequent visits to the site.
  • Web Beacons: Also referred to as "clear gifs," web beacons are minute graphics embedded in web pages. Functioning similarly to cookies, they possess unique identifiers and are utilized for content management and tracking user activity.
  • Flash Cookies: Sometimes called "Local Shared Objects" or "LSOs," flash cookies track user interactions within services, particularly in advertisements and videos, collecting data on user behavior and preferences.

Enhancing Insights with Mobile Analytics Tools

Our adoption of mobile analytics tools allows us to explore the operational dynamics of our mobile cookies on your device. These tools facilitate the tracking of various parameters, including how often the app is used, in-app events, overall usage patterns, performance benchmarks, and the source of app downloads.

Elevating User Engagement Through Thoughtful Cookie Implementation

  • Optimizing Performance with Precision Cookies: By utilizing cookies, we track user interactions to optimize website performance, improving functionality and elevating the overall browsing experience.
  • Customized Experience with Preference-Driven Cookies: Tailoring your journey, our cookies retain your preferred settings, ensuring each visit is personalized to your unique preferences for a seamless browsing experience.
  • Fortifying Security with Vigilant Cookies: Through strategic cookie utilization, we identify and address potential security threats, safeguarding user data and ensuring a secure online environment.

Cookie Varieties Implemented

  • First-Party Cookies: Our website employs first-party cookies originating from our domain. These cookies are responsible for storing information pertaining to your visit, such as the pages you've explored.
  • Third-Party Cookies: We also utilize third-party cookies procured from external providers. These cookies may track your browsing activities, monitor visited pages and clicked links, or seek to enhance user engagement.

Utilizing Cookies for Website Functionality

  • Enhancing Navigation: Cookies are vital for smooth navigation, accessing secure areas, and utilizing features on our website.
  • Analyzing User Behavior: By utilizing cookies, we can analyze user engagement with our website, helping us refine features and improve user experience.
  • Personalizing User Content: Cookies store user preferences and behaviors, allowing us to personalize the content displayed, thereby enhancing the overall browsing experience.

Customizing Your Cookie Controls

Give yourself the authority to choose whether you accept or reject cookies. Personalize your web browser controls to align with your preferences for handling cookies. Our website remains fully functional even if you decide to reject cookies. However, please note that certain features and access to specific areas may be restricted. Check out the links below for tips on managing cookies across popular web browsers.

Updates to Our Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy may be amended occasionally to reflect adjustments in our practices, technological advancements, legal requirements, and other relevant factors. Significant changes will be communicated by posting the revised policy on our website.

Need to Get in Touch?

For any queries regarding our Cookie Policy, don't hesitate to contact us using the following information: